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Trump urges GOP unity, rejection of Johnson ouster effort after Greene attempt defeated

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Former President Donald Trump urged House Republicans to unite and not to go along with an effort by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) to oust Speaker Mike Johnson — after the chamber already voted to table the attempt.

“I absolutely love Marjorie Taylor Greene,” Trump wrote in a post on Truth Social, his social networking platform. “But if we show DISUNITY, which will be portrayed as CHAOS, it will negatively affect everything! Mike Johnson is a good man who is trying very hard.”

“I also wish certain things were done over the last period of two months, but we will get them done, together,” Trump continued. The former president added his party would “WIN BIG – AND IT WILL BE SOON!”

Greene’s motion to toss Johnson failed on the House floor, as a bipartisan majority of the chamber voted to table it.