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Britt’s SOTU rebuttal draws barbs across the political spectrum

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Sen. Katie Britt’s response to the State of the Union has drawn its own response — including plenty of barbs across the political spectrum.

The Alabama Republican is seen as a rising star among Senate Republicans and a potential future leader. But her speech, set at her home kitchen, was slammed among many allies of former President Donald Trump.

“Katie Britt is talking like she’s hosting a cooking show whispering about how Democrats ‘dont get it,’’’ wrote Charlie Kirk.

Staunch adversaries of Trump’s in the GOP world joined in too. Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) deadpanned: “That one staffer that was likely suggesting that ‘maybe we don’t do SOTU response in a kitchen’ is having a very braggy day at work today.”

POLITICO has reached out to Britt’s office for a response to the criticism of her speech.

But it certainly wasn’t just Republicans rebuffing the rebuttal.

“If Katie Britt gets some after school acting lessons I think she’s got a real shot at an ensemble role in next fall’s Montgomery HS performance of Our Town,” joked Rep. Sean Casten (D-Ill.).