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House set to vote on formal impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden as Oversight waits on Hunter Biden testimony

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House Republicans are scheduled to vote Wednesday to formalize their impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. And behind closed doors, the Hill will wait and see if Hunter Biden appears at a deposition central to the House’s probe.

The impeachment inquiry vote is an attempt by House Republicans to give their probe stronger legal standing as they demand information from the White House and enforce subpoenas.

“We’re not making a political decision. It’s a legal decision,” Speaker Mike Johnson told reporters Tuesday.

Earlier this year then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy was trying to have it both ways, announcing an impeachment probe to satisfy the conference’s right flank, but not holding a vote as Republicans in swing districts squirmed.

But many of those swing district Republicans, some in districts Biden won handily, are behind the effort now. And as of Tuesday evening, it appears Johnson will have the votes to make the Biden probe official.

Colorado’s Ken Buck is the only House Republican on the record opposing Wednesday’s vote to formalize the Biden probe and give the House more authority to seek documents and testimony.

As for Hunter’s deposition, it isn’t yet clear if he will show up. His lawyers have told the House Oversight Committee that he would cooperate, but that he also wanted to testify publicly. If he no-shows Wednesday, he is expected to face an effort to hold him in contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena.

Supplemental state of play: On Tuesday night, Senate leaders Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell met with negotiating senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), James Lankford (R-Okla.) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.), along with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and White House officials, including deputy chief of staff Natalie Quillian.

The meeting, which marked some of the most robust and visible involvement from the administration so far, followed comments from McConnell saying it would be “practically impossible” for Congress to pass legislation to boost aid to Ukraine and make significant border policy changes by the end of the year.

The meeting is unlikely to change the calculus on getting a deal by the end of this week when the House is set to leave for the year, but signals the eagerness by the White House to make progress and cut a deal.