


Speaker Mike Johnson is rolling the dice as he prepares to bring his conference’s increasingly bitter spy fight to the floor. It’s anybody’s guess how it plays out.

The House is expected to vote Tuesday on two competing proposals from the Judiciary Committee and the Intelligence Committee to reauthorize Section 702, a surveillance authority that’s meant to target foreigners abroad but has come under criticism because of its ability to sweep in Americans. Unlike the Intelligence panel version, the Judiciary bill includes a broad warrant mandate, which security hawks have said would essentially hamstring the program.

Typically, the speaker would greenlight one bill to head to the floor and whip his conference to get in line. But Johnson, rather than pick between two influential committee chairs, is using a rare procedural gambit known as “Queen of the Hill” to settle the fight — which means whichever bill can get the most votes on the floor will be passed and sent to the Senate. Because of how the battle lines break down, they’ll need help from Democrats either way.

And it’s not the only spy battle on Johnson’s plate this week. After he attached a short-term extension of the surveillance authority to the sweeping defense bill Congress is looking to pass by the end of the week, conservatives increasingly urged their colleagues to sink the must-pass legislation.

The spy fight comes with familiar warning signs for Johnson, sandwiching him between two sides of the House GOP. On one hand he’s got the intelligence community and its allies on Capitol Hill, warning against defanging what they view as a crucial national security tool. On the other, some right-flank leadership gadflys — who have become increasingly willing to criticize the speaker they helped elect less than two months ago — are some of the loudest voices pushing for a sweeping overhaul of the surveillance authority

Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.), who backs the Judiciary bill, had a recent warning for Republicans who are OK with repeatedly working with Democrats to leapfrog over the concerns of conservatives like him. They “will be asking for the consequences in terms of an absence of Republican unity and the political implications,” he said.

“I think some people need to be primaried out of their seats,” he added, when asked about what those political consequences would be.

The GOP debate is likely to come to a head on Monday night, when members will huddle for a special closed-door meeting on proposed changes to the surveillance law. Some in the conference are hoping they can find an 11th-hour off-ramp that would represent a compromise between the two sides. But given the steep differences between the House Intelligence and Judiciary bills, that appears unlikely.

Intelligence and Judiciary Committee Republicans worked behind the scenes for months to try to find a way forward that could unify the conference. They both are proposing changes to the shadowy surveillance court, new auditing and reporting requirements aimed at increasing transparency and new penalties for surveillance violations. But the two bills are starkly different on what was long expected to be the major point of contention: When a warrant should be required for searching 702-collected data for Americans’ information.

The Judiciary bill would require a warrant for nearly all U.S. person searches, though it has some built-in exceptions. Meanwhile, the Intelligence Committee bill forbids the FBI from conducting so-called “evidence of a crime” searches, which aren’t related to foreign intelligence and are a small subset of searches involving Americans.

The two sides are both preparing for a fight in Monday night’s private conference meeting, knowing it’s likely their closing pitch.

In a preview of what Intelligence Committee members are likely to say to GOP members, Chair Mike Turner (R-Ohio) warned that the Judiciary bill would would make 702 information inadmissible for “horrific crimes such as child pornography, human trafficking, murder, and even money laundering” because of how it changes how 702-collected information can be used in cases and investigations of non-national security crimes.

“These are provisions of their bill that they’re going to have to explain,” he added during an Intelligence Committee meeting late last week.

Meanwhile, supporters of the Judiciary Committee bill and privacy advocates off of Capitol Hill have been sounding an alarm over what they warn would be a dramatic expansion of businesses required to provide the government with communications data under the Intelligence Committee bill. That was first flagged on Friday by two lawyers, including one who serves on a group of outside advisers to the secretive surveillance court.

Intelligence Committee staffers called that interpretation “wildly off,” and that the section is meant to be narrowly tailored to a “high-priority foreign intelligence targets overseas, with no impact on Americans.” But it’s fired up privacy hawks both in and out of Congress, with Rep. Warren Davidson (R-Ohio), who backs the Judiciary bill, warning: “Just what the Biden Admin needs, more surveillance authorities to spy on US citizens.”

Johnson hasn’t yet taken a public side in the debate — and isn’t expected to before Tuesday’s votes. But Johnson’s been quietly involved behind-the-scenes, keeping in touch with both Turner and Jordan, and members of their committees, in the lead up to Tuesday’s votes.

Jordan had initially been expected to hold a committee vote on his bill the week of Nov. 27. But the Ohio Republican said that he delayed because Johnson wanted to first have a meeting with Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and Republican members of the two committees so they could talk through 702. That request, plus a full committee calendar for the rest of the week, punted the panel’s vote until last Wednesday, according to Jordan.

At the same time, Johnson’s kept conservatives guessing in the surveillance fight, who have urged him to de-link it to the defense bill. His right flank appeared to think last week that they had succeeded, including publicly congratulating him on the decision, only to have to backtrack after it was ultimately added. Meanwhile, Johnson held off pressure from intelligence community allies to attach a full reauthorization to the defense bill.

And while Republican aides believe Johnson’s natural inclination leans more toward the Judiciary side of the debate, they acknowledge his calculus could have changed now that he’s in leadership and has access to a wider range of intelligence information.

“We are focused on the policy. We’re not focused on slogans you can fit on a bumper sticker,” said Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) “We’ve met with him and he’s been a great listener. … He’s not disagreed with anything we’ve said.”

Two leading Democratic immigration reform advocates strongly criticized Republicans’ newest offer on border security, the latest challenge for a hypothetical year-end deal marrying border restrictions with aid to Ukraine and Israel.

Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) and Rep. Nanette Barragán (D-Calif.) said Monday morning it is “unconscionable” for President Joe Biden to consider new parole and detention restrictions in exchange for GOP support for foreign aid funding.

“We are deeply concerned that the president would consider advancing Trump-era immigration policies that Democrats fought so hard against — and that he himself campaigned against — in exchange for aid to our allies that Republicans already support,” the two said. Making those changes for a one-time emergency spending bill would set “a dangerous precedent,” they added.

Republicans say they won’t move forward with tens of billions for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan without new border restrictions, blocking Biden’s aid request last week because it lacked those policy changes. Sens. James Lankford (R-Okla.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) are still negotiating, though Murphy said the GOP’s latest offer was unrealistic.

Even with spending not on the December menu, Congress has left itself with a full plate before breaking for the holidays. Here are some things to watch out for as lawmakers aim to finish their work before leaving for the holidays.

1. The annual defense policy bill: The Senate will try first to pass their negotiated compromise legislation, with the House then aiming to clear it under suspension of the rules, an expedited process requiring the support of two-thirds of members.

2. Ukraine and Israel funding: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy heads to Capitol Hill on Tuesday, when he’ll address all senators at a morning meeting and meet with Speaker Mike Johnson. Congress has been considering a package to provide aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan — but has struggled to reach anything approaching consensus on border security provisions that Republicans have insisted upon as part of any agreement.

3. Biden impeachment inquiry: Look for the House to move forward with a resolution authorizing a formal impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden at some point this week. Senior Republicans have been steadily winning over previously resistant members in seats won by Biden in 2020, arguing formalizing the inquiry will strengthen their hand in obtaining information. The Rules Committee will meet on the resolution Tuesday at 10 a.m.

4. Expiring surveillance authorities: A temporary extension through April is included in the defense bill, but the House will consider dueling proposals to revamp and reauthorize a controversial surveillance program known formally as Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. House Democrats will get a classified briefing on the program ahead of those floor votes where officials are expected to express “grave concerns” with the Judiciary Committee proposal, according to a source familiar. House Republicans will hold their own conference meeting on this topic on Monday night.

5. FAA extension: The House intends to consider under suspension of the rules, which again requires two-thirds support, a bill that would extend most Federal Aviation Administration programs through March 8. We’ll see then if the Senate can move it quickly.

Jordain Carney contributed.

House Republicans are inches away from a major step toward impeaching President Joe Biden, as members from swing districts drop their reservations about plowing forward with the GOP investigation.

A whip count compiled by POLITICO shows that a single Republican, Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.), opposes a vote scheduled for this week to formalize the impeachment inquiry. Other members thought to be on the fence are now either supportive or likely to support it, according to the tally, including a majority of Republicans who represent districts Biden carried in 2020.

Still, GOP leaders have only a three-vote margin for error, and some of their swing-district members are still uneasy about supporting the formal inquiry, with about a half-dozen telling POLITICO they’re undecided or unwilling to say where they stand.

A vote to officially sanction the impeachment inquiry would inject a burst of momentum into the effort that would be difficult for Republicans to later pull back from. But some moderate Republicans argue that a lack of cooperation from Hunter Biden and other family members has forced the GOP’s hand. Formalizing the investigation would boost the GOP’s leverage in its pursuit of documents and witnesses, they say, and represents just one step in the process.

The investigation has yet to find any direct evidence that Biden exerted improper influence to help his family members’ businesses.

“This is an inquiry. It’s not the actual impeachment. So we should let it go forward and continue to ask questions and subpoena witnesses,” said Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.).

The whip count is a sign of unity for a House GOP majority that can’t seem to agree on much of anything else. Republican leadership and investigative committee chairs are increasingly confident that they’ll get the near unity required to bless their Biden inquiry before the holidays.

Nevertheless, the roughly half-dozen undecided Republicans will need to mostly break Speaker Mike Johnson’s way to avoid an embarrassing face-plant on the vote. Back in September, then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy vowed to hold a vote on the GOP’s impeachment inquiry only to backtrack because of opposition from centrists and Biden-district members.

“I didn’t come to Washington to expel a member of Congress or impeach a president,” said Rep. Marc Molinaro (R-N.Y.), one of the remaining undecided votes. Molinaro said he still wanted to read the inquiry resolution before making a decision.

But he issued a warning to the White House that indicated he’s prepared to join most of the rest of the GOP on the inquiry: “The administration would do well by honoring the subpoenas of the committees and participating in the investigation. If what is necessary to ensure oversight is this next step, then I’m certainly open to it.”

Republican leaders and investigative panel leaders like Jordan have worked to try to tamp down concerns within their conference about formalizing the inquiry, both in closed-door meetings and one-on-one floor conversations. They’re working to persuade the remaining undecided members by underscoring that approval of a Biden inquiry isn’t the final word.

“We’re going to get the votes,” Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) predicted ahead of the vote.

Biden-district Rep. Juan Ciscomani (R-Ariz.) pointed back to his “very compelling” conversations with colleagues as helpful to solidifying his support for the inquiry.

“I had a very compelling presentation from our conference. I’m all about transparency and getting to the bottom of all the information. That’s what the inquiry will be about,” he said.

GOP leaders are hoping to limit their internal opposition to Buck, a frequent party gadfly who declared in a recent Washington Post op-ed that “Republicans in the House who are itching for an impeachment are relying on an imagined history.”

Buck told POLITICO last week he hasn’t “seen any new evidence” since that might change his mind.

Republicans are hoping to make a decision as soon as mid-January about whether or not to escalate their inquiry into articles of impeachment against Joe Biden. While they’ve uncovered evidence of Hunter Biden using the family name to burnish his own influence, and poked holes in past statements by the president, they’ve yet to find a direct link to actions Joe Biden took — as president or vice president — that were aimed at aiding his family’s business deals.

And top House Republicans still have some work to do before they can greenlight their inquiry.

Biden-district Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) said that he needed to talk with Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) and Jordan before he decided how he would vote.

“They have a case they have to make,” he said.

Jordan and Comer are also currently locked in a standoff over Hunter Biden, a must-have witness for many on the party’s right flank.

Republicans have subpoenaed Hunter Biden to appear for a closed-door deposition on Wednesday. But attorneys for the president’s son countered with an offer for public testimony, and the two sides have been at a stalemate since then.

Comer and Jordan, who have offered to release the transcript of any closed-door deposition with Hunter Biden, have suggested they might start contempt proceedings against him unless he appears as subpoenaed.

The White House, in a recent memo, noted that — between the administration, banks and private individuals — Republicans have received tens of thousands of pages of financial records and conducted dozens of hours of interviews. The National Archives also recently said it will hand over more than 60,000 additional records.

But the standoff has helped fuel a shift in momentum among House Republicans, even those in potentially vulnerable districts.

“The president is saying he isn’t going to provide information until we get an inquiry, so I went from a no to a yes,” Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), one of the House’s most outspoken GOP centrists, said in an interview. “My view of it is, let’s just get the information so the voters have it [in November].”

Nicholas Wu contributed to this report.

President Joe Biden will host President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine at the White House on Tuesday, as negotiations on an aid deal for the country remain stalled in Congress.

Zelenskyy’s visit will “underscore the United States’ unshakeable commitment to supporting the people of Ukraine as they defend themselves against Russia’s brutal invasion,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement on X, formerly Twitter.

The meeting is the latest White House effort to apply pressure on Congress, where a deal that would deliver emergency aid to Ukraine seems to have reached an impasse.

In a letter to congressional leaders last week, White House budget chief Shalanda Young warned that inaction before the end of the year on a new round of funding threatens to “kneecap Ukraine on the battlefield.”

After announcing this week that he would resign from Congress before the end of the year, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy endorsed Donald Trump for president.

“I believe Donald Trump will win, I believe that Republicans will gain more seats in the House, and that Republicans will win the Senate,” McCarthy told CBS News’ Robert Costa in a prerecorded preview of an upcoming interview.

“I will support President Trump,” he said when asked whether his warm words were an endorsement of the former president.

McCarthy, who clinched the speakership after 15 votes in January, was ousted from his position in October after hard-right conservatives lodged an effort to displace him. They publicly said that his work with Democrats to keep the government open defied a deal over how Republicans would approach negotiating the budget. And Trump, who still looms large over a prominent group of populist conservatives in the House, did little to stave off the effort in McCarthy’s hour of need.

And McCarthy didn’t even ask for his help.

The pair have had a tumultuous relationship for years, from McCarthy expressing that Trump bore responsibility for the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol to him appearing at the former president’s side weeks later in a renewed endorsement. And now, McCarthy appears ready to ride by Trump’s side as 2024 arrives, while other Republicans on the Hill brace for another Trump presidency. Other contenders in the GOP primary race have failed to gain meaningful traction in a race that Trump has dominated.

In another sign of warmth towards the former president, the California Republican also said that he would serve in a Trump cabinet — if he gets a good spot.

“In the right position, if I am the best person for the job, yes,” McCarthy said. “I worked with President Trump on a lot of policy. We worked together to win the majority.”

The Trump campaign, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment, released a forcefully worded statement on Friday that allies should not speculate about potential administration appointments. That message was released in apparent response to media reports that Trump was poised to pick an array of far-right voices to prominent positions in a second administration.

“People publicly discussing potential administration jobs for themselves or their friends are, in fact, hurting President Trump … and themselves,” the campaign said in a statement on Friday. “These are an unwelcomed distraction.”

House Financial Services Chair Patrick McHenry isn’t planning to coast through his final year in office.

The North Carolina Republican in an interview Friday outlined a series of major legislative and oversight targets that he’ll be driving over the next several months, as he faces a critical window to cement his legacy. McHenry plans to step down at the end of his term after two decades in office.

First things first

McHenry said his top priority is to pass and enact legislation on cryptocurrency, data privacy and capital formation.

He said he’s working with House leadership to find floor time for landmark crypto bills that would revamp the digital asset powers of the SEC and CFTC and also set up a new legal pathway for stablecoins.

McHenry said his biggest challenge on the crypto bills is “politics.” He said Senate Banking Chair Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who have pushed back on his proposals, are leaving consumers worse off.

“It’s just a question of getting enough floor time and focus from policymakers to see why we need market structure, why we need a definition, why we need regulators that are fully empowered and why that’s good for capital formation, why that’s good for consumer protection,” he said. “What we need is broader engagement. And on some of these policies, like with China and with digital assets, a significant challenge is education.”

McHenry said recent Treasury Department recommendations to bolster crypto anti-money laundering rules are “problematic.”

“But they’re showing that there is a need for congressional action to bring clarity here,” he said. “I welcome that, and I welcome the conversation on the proper approach and a balanced approach.”

In addition, McHenry is working with Foreign Affairs Chair Michael McCaul (R-Texas) and Select Committee on the CCP Chair Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) to hash out a compromise on how to police capital flows to China by the end of the first quarter.

McCaul and his allies are backing legislation that would restrict U.S. investment in certain sectors of China’s economy, including AI and quantum computing. McHenry wants to use company-specific sanctions instead.

He said he opposes McCaul’s bill.

“It’s a deeply flawed approach that limits American business and doesn’t actually have a strong effect against China,” he said.

Republicans on the other side, who are fighting for restrictions on outbound investment into China, say McHenry is outnumbered. But he’s not backing down.

“They thought they could roll me and say nasty things about me in the press and I would cave,” he said. “They can say nasty things if they wish, but that doesn’t make their policy good or effective.”

What’s next for Financial Services

McHenry is planning to tee up a series of additional oversight and legislative targets in the first quarter. January’s focus will be on “rogue regulators,” followed by work in February on “holding bad actors accountable” and a March emphasis on American competitiveness.

— “We’re going to start with a focus on rogue regulators from this administration: the capital rule, the Basel Endgame, the climate rulemaking and the regulatory agenda of the Securities and Exchange Commission.”

— “Then we’ll have a keen focus on AML-BSA policies and China’s abuse of the international finance system. So a lot of focus on OFAC and FinCEN and how we enforce sanctions, how we carry out economic statecraft and how we protect against money laundering at home.”

— “Then we want to pivot into how we enhance our competitiveness. That too entails the Basel Endgame, the rulemaking of the administration and also what we seek to do to make the economy better” via policy.

The “opening act” will have a heavy emphasis on oversight but legislation is also planned, including on sanctions and anti-money laundering rules.

Why now?

When asked why he’s retiring, McHenry said it’s been a “key year in my service in Congress” and a “helluva ride,” after being a central player in electing a speaker and then temporarily serving in the post himself. He also cited GOP committee term limits, which mean he wouldn’t be able to keep serving as the Financial Services committee’s top Republican after 2024 without seeking a waiver.

“Republican term limits are impactful and matter, and they’re good for the institution and for the Republican conference,” he said. “It’s a net win. In my circumstance, I knew that was the deal going in.”

“I’m not down on the institution in any way,” he added.

What he’ll do after leaving office

“I’m open to what comes next and interested in seeing what’s out there,” he said. “But I knew I had to make the decision and close this chapter before determining the next. Truly.”

Senate Republicans on Thursday made their latest offer on border policy changes, including a list of demands Democrats have so far shunned.

Republicans are seeking a ban on class-based “parole,” a key tool the White House has used to create legal entry pathways and manage the influx at the border, according to two people familiar with the details of the list of demands. Their latest offer would ban the administration’s ability to extend parole for migrants — a policy change that would also apply to Afghans and Ukrainians who have been authorized to live in the U.S. for humanitarian reasons.

The GOP offer also proposes the creation of a new expulsion authority, reviving a form of the policy known as Title 42, and would also set metrics for automating a border shutdown — halting U.S. acceptance of migrants if border numbers hit a certain level.

Republicans are also looking to restrict the administration’s parole authority to release migrants from detention, and would require mandatory electronic monitoring for anyone, including children, who are not detained. They are also trying to implement a so-called transit ban and establish nationwide, expedited removal authority — a return to a Trump-era policy that the Biden administration rescinded in 2021.

While the GOP’s counteroffer helped jump-start talks after a failed Senate vote this week, the inclusion of policies already rejected by Democrats raises questions about whether a bipartisan proposal could come together before Congress breaks for the year. At a minimum, it showcases how much daylight remains in cutting a border deal that can unlock billions in funding for Ukraine and Israel.

An aide to Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma, the top Republican negotiator, said there is “no final draft.”

“Lankford has been clear that they have been exchanging paper for weeks,” the aide said.

Lankford and Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) met Thursday before breaking for the weekend, agreeing to resume negotiations that have proved incredibly difficult to finalize. Even if they were to agree on policy changes in the abstract, they would still have to formalize those into actual legislative language. And it remains unclear whether anything the Senate passes could find the necessary support in the House.

Pressure is not just coming from Republicans either. Most of the items proposed by the GOP are opposed by progressives and immigration advocates, and Murphy has complained that Republicans are pushing a total shutdown of the border in previous offers.

“We’re still swapping paper like we have been,” said Lankford on Thursday afternoon, after meeting with Murphy. “It’s not just parole, it’s how do you handle thousands of people being released every day?”

Spokespeople for the other negotiating senators did not comment.

Michigan Democrats are acknowledging political damage for President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects with Muslim Americans in their state. But they’re also wondering whether those voters would abandon the president in favor of Donald Trump.

A push to #AbandonBiden was launched by swing-state Muslim American leaders in Dearborn, Mich., last weekend, as community leaders threatened to abandon the Democratic incumbent over his handling of the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.

“It’s hard to unring that bell when, the first couple of weeks after Oct. 7, I don’t think the community felt that they were hearing what they wanted to hear” from Biden, said Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.), who conceded any defections in a state like Michigan “that can go either way” is “something to be concerned about.”

Biden carried the state by a little more than 150,000 votes in 2020, out of a 5.54 million votes cast. There were 206,000 registered Muslim voters in the state during the 2020 elections, according to Emgage, a national nonprofit that works to engage Muslims politically. Trump carried the state by approximately 10,000 votes during the 2016 election.

“So they want Donald Trump?” asked an exasperated Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.), whose district neighbors Dearborn. “This is a man who’s called them vermin and has said that he would ban them.”

Most Michigan Democrats acknowledged the fear and frustration surrounding Biden’s handling of the Middle East conflict among the Muslim American community — even as they weren’t sure the anger would carry through to an election still almost a year away.

“I very much appreciate their fear and anger and concern about what’s happening. I do believe that President Biden and his team are working 24 hours a day trying to do as much as they can to end the bloodshed and bring constituents home,” said Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) in an interview.

As to how much it would matter in the presidential contest in her state, Stabenow said, “We’ll have to see where all of this lands in the end. Hopefully we can see something better in the next few months.”

Sen. Gary Peters (D-Mich.), who leads the Senate Democratic campaign arm defending Stabenow’s open seat in his state, noted Biden has historically enjoyed strong support within the Muslim American community but that “he’s got to continue to work with the community and now I think that’ll continue.”

Others in the delegation, like Rep. Haley Stevens (D-Mich.), indicated they were not aware of the campaign, which also includes Muslim leaders from states like Minnesota, Arizona, Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

Yet political leaders questioned whether Trump would be a viable alternative regardless of how frustrated Muslim Americans are with Biden.

“There’s a real difference of view among the Muslim and Arab American community in terms of the president’s tack in dealing with this issue, I get that,” said Kildee. “The alternative is Donald Trump, who proposed a ban on all Muslims coming into the United States and he meant it.”

Nicholas Wu contributed.

A Republican member of Congress is alleging that a former top aide spearheaded a “vindictive” threat to expose his daughter’s OnlyFans account.

Rep. Brandon Williams (R-N.Y.) told POLITICO that his former chief of staff and former legislative director attempted to retaliate against him using his 27-year old daughter’s account on OnlyFans, a popular forum for people to charge for access to sexually explicit content.

According to Williams, the two former staffers, Michael Gordon and Ryan Sweeney, threatened to expose his daughter after Williams fired them.

Williams’ remarkable decision to go public about the feud is a bet that his political future will be improved by laying out its highly personal details. He spoke with POLITICO days after a Syracuse University student journalist shared a video of him in a profanity-laced confrontation with Gordon outside a holiday party in Washington.

Gordon was “trying to exert some leverage over me,” Williams said, “and I just simply won’t allow that to happen.”

Williams, a first-term member in a battleground seat, won his race year by one percentage point. He is one of House Democrats’ top targets to unseat in 2024.

Gordon said that “the allegations Congressman Williams has levied against me are categorically false” and declined to comment further. Sweeney said the “congressman’s allegations are completely false.”

The confrontation with Gordon, which Sweeney filmed, began causing political trouble for Williams soon after its release last week. On the day before indicted former Rep. George Santos was expelled from Congress for a litany of alleged criminal misdeeds — a move that Williams and other New York Republicans led the charge for — Santos called for a House Ethics Committee investigation of Williams because of his behavior in the video.

Williams is seen confronting Gordon outside the party, pointing his finger at Gordon and vowing that if “you f–k with my family, I’ll end every relationship you have.” In response to that on-camera threat, Gordon denied any knowledge of the unspecified allegations at issue.

Williams said that the clash stemmed from a pressure campaign that began after his decision to give Gordon 30 days to find new employment. The ousted aide responded by contacting a GOP campaign consultant close to the lawmaker.

That consultant, Aaron Evans, told POLITICO he went to Williams in recent weeks to relay Gordon’s warning: Before going through with the firing, Gordon said, the lawmaker should think about the potential embarrassment his family would experience if TMZ found out about his daughter’s OnlyFans account.

POLITICO is not publishing the name of Williams’ daughter to protect her privacy.

Williams said in the interview that, a few days prior to that altercation, other aides of his told him that Gordon had shared details of the OnlyFans account widely with other congressional staffers. Gordon was also “saying really rude things about [Williams’] wife,” the lawmaker recalled.

Gordon lived in Williams’ home during part of the latter’s campaign, the lawmaker recalled. But their relationship began unraveling over the course of their months living together and as they worked more closely together in D.C., according to Williams, who described his former chief of staff as “a deeply broken person.”

Williams declined to comment on the specifics behind the dismissals of Gordon and Sweeney. A person with direct knowledge of the personnel matter, granted anonymity to discuss internal office dynamics, said that Sweeney was fired for reasons related to job performance.

After Sweeney recorded the lawmaker during their argument outside the holiday party, Williams said the former aide delivered a personal jab at the lawmaker: “Hey, f–k you! Guess what, bitch? All I have to do is pay $7 to watch your daughter shove her phone up her p—y!”

One eyewitness of the skirmish, however, could not confirm that version of events and recalled seeing Williams leave the area right after knocking Sweeney’s phone out of his hands. This eyewitness, granted anonymity to share recollections of the tense moment, added that the scene was loud and crowded so a comment might have been missed.

Williams’ critics have noted that he has faced multiple staff departures beyond Gordon and Sweeney since taking office. According to the nonpartisan website Legistorm found that he has had three times more turnover than the average House member.

Williams argued that he reshaped his office culture after settling into Congress, removing hires that Gordon had initially made, and said he’s now surrounded by a team he is proud of.