


Rep. Tom Emmer, the No. 3 House Republican, raised nearly $2.5 million in the fourth quarter of last year, bringing his 2023 total to more than $10 million, according to fundraising numbers first provided to POLITICO.

The majority whip announced his year-end fundraising figures Wednesday as House Republicans gather for their weekly conference meeting. Almost half of this fundraising haul was given to the House GOP campaign arm or directly to members and candidates.

“America is counting on House Republicans to deliver the conservative policies the country needs to get back on track,” Emmer said in a statement. “I want to thank the hundreds of thousands of hardworking Americans who donated to our efforts. We must remain laser-focused on our mission of growing this majority.”

A former chair of House Republicans’ campaign arm, Emmer and other members of leadership know fundraising is not only an important part of efforts to keeping the GOP majority but also expected among the heads of the party.

Last cycle, Republicans won far fewer seats than they hoped, giving them a razor-thin majority that has defined the 118th Congress for ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his predecessor Mike Johnson.

Top House Democratic leaders endorsed Rep. Summer Lee’s reelection bid Wednesday, a strong show of support for the Pennsylvania Democrat as she faces competitive primary challenges potentially funded by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

“We proudly endorse Summer Lee’s re-election campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives so she can help us take back the House majority, oppose the extreme MAGA Republican agenda and continue our tremendous progress for Pennsylvanians,” House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Whip Katherine Clark and Democratic Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar said in a statement obtained by POLITICO.

Lee, a progressive allied with the “squad” of liberal lawmakers, weathered an onslaught of spending by the super PAC affiliated with AIPAC last cycle. In a statement, she thanked the leadership trio for their backing and said she would “look forward to continuing to work with them to protect abortion access, voting rights, and clean energy investments to serve the people of PA’s 12th Congressional District.”

The endorsements come amid persistent jitters on the left about AIPAC-backed primary challengers, which prompted top progressives to clamor for support from their leaders. Democratic leaders generally endorse incumbents against primary challenges in line with longstanding policy and have already lent their endorsement this cycle to Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) amid her own primary challenges.

Lee is unlikely to confront a competitive general election in the deep-blue, Pittsburgh-area seat. But she, along with other progressive Democrats, earned the online ire of AIPAC and other pro-Israel groups for their outspoken criticism of the Israeli government as it ramped up its war in Gaza.

Lee has two Democratic challengers in the April primary: Edgewood Borough Council member Bhavini Patel and Laurie MacDonald, president and CEO of the Center for Victims. Both candidates have emphasized a more centrist bent in their campaigns, with Patel particularly critical of Lee’s record on Israel.

House Republicans have paused their efforts to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress, as they negotiate a new date for a closed-door interview.

The House Rules Committee will no longer tee up a contempt resolution for a floor vote during its meeting on Tuesday, two people familiar with the decision told POLITICO, contrary to Republicans’ previous plans.

A leadership aide familiar with the decision, granted anonymity to discuss internal deliberations, added that “negotiations are now underway for him to comply with the subpoena, so we are holding on the contempt vote while they work to set a date.”

The House was previously expected to vote Thursday on making that referral to the Justice Department. That would have handed the ultimate decision on whether or not the president’s son would face charges over his failure to comply with the House subpoena to U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves. Four individuals have been held in contempt of Congress during the Biden administration, and the Justice Department pursued charges against two of them.

Republicans would need near-total unity in order to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress this week. Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) is working remotely until next month as he undergoes treatment for blood cancer. He also told Republicans during a conference call on Sunday night that Rep. Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) will be absent this week as he recovers from a car crash.

The vote looked increasingly unlikely after Hunter Biden’s lawyers, in complete reversal of their prior position, alerted GOP investigators on Friday that he would comply if they issued a new subpoena. Republicans originally subpoenaed Hunter Biden last year for a deposition on Dec. 13, which he skipped and countered by demanding a public hearing.

Both GOP investigators and party leadership signaled after the letter that while they would formally keep the contempt vote on the books, their thinking would change if they could reach a deal that resulted in Hunter Biden sitting for a deposition. The House is currently scheduled to leave for a one-week recess on Friday and canceled votes on Tuesday due to inclement weather.

A spokesperson for the Oversight Committee GOP said on Tuesday that they are currently working with Hunter Biden’s attorneys to schedule his appearance.

“Negotiations are ongoing this afternoon, and in conjunction with the disruption to member travel and canceling votes, the House Rules Committee isn’t considering the contempt resolution today to give the attorneys additional time to reach an agreement,” the spokesperson added.

House Republicans view Hunter Biden as a key witness in their sprawling impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Republicans voted to formalize that inquiry late last year, even as they remain short of the votes to impeach Biden.

The GOP investigation has largely focused on the business deals of Hunter Biden and other family members. While Republicans have found evidence of Hunter Biden using his last name to boost his own influence and poked holes in previous statements by the White House and Joe Biden, they haven’t yet found direct evidence showing actions taken by Joe Biden as president or vice president were meant to benefit his family’s business arrangements.

Speaker Mike Johnson is publicly and privately panning the Senate’s ongoing border and immigration negotiations. Senate Republicans are reminding him that it’s the best deal he’ll ever get.

Republicans senators said on Tuesday that they see only worse opportunities ahead to craft a border bill that can pass, given that Democrats who run the Senate and White House are now considering major changes to asylum policy, new expulsion authorities and perhaps even putting limits on presidential parole authority. If Republicans try to wait for a better deal after November’s election, senators say, they could end up with GOP control over Congress and the White House — but Democrats who are in no mood to deal on the issue.

“There’s absolutely no way that we would get the kind of border policy that’s been talked about right now with a Republican majority in the Senate, unless we get a 60-vote majority, which isn’t going to happen … there aren’t many Democrats that are going to be available,” said Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), the minority whip. “This is a unique moment in time. It’s an opportunity to get some conservative border policy.”

Thune described the current situation at the nation’s southern border as a “national security emergency.” If House Republicans slam the door on an immigration deal, some in the Senate GOP worry that won’t exactly jibe with their message that the border is a five-alarm fire.

Republicans contend that the domestic national security risks of surging migration are just as important as foreign aid. Over the past two months, that argument has become the reason that the GOP won’t move forward on Ukraine aid — compelling reluctant Democrats to the table in a bid to shake loose President Joe Biden’s $100 billion-plus national security spending proposal.

Now senators and the Biden administration are discussing a deal that would restrict migration and beef up border funding, while also sending billions of dollars to Ukraine. Republicans spent months building a messaging campaign focused on what they see as a growing border crisis. Some of them, including Texas’ own GOP governor, might be more interested in a compromise solution than delaying until next year.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said he recently discussed with his state’s governor, Greg Abbott, the idea of waiting out Democrats for a better deal after the election. Abbott’s response, according to Cornyn, was: “So we’re just supposed to take this flow of humanity across the border for the next year?

“I don’t think we should fail to do our duty just because the House may have a different view,” Cornyn said. “It makes no sense to wait if we could do something now that would be meaningful.”

Over the weekend, Johnson posted on X “absolutely not” in response to a Fox News screen that criticized a potential border deal; Thune responded that “unfortunately, there’s a lot of stuff leaked out there which doesn’t reflect some of what’s being discussed and negotiated.”

But Johnson’s position isn’t exactly a secret: He wants the hardline H.R. 2 bill that the House passed last year, reiterating his position in a conference call on Sunday.

Senate Democrats aren’t going to support that bill. And if Donald Trump wins the presidency this fall, they won’t be eager to help him restrict immigration; one of his proposals to help the immigrant group known as Dreamers and restrict legal immigration was roundly defeated in 2018 (other, more moderate options failed too).

There’s a reason immigration bills don’t go anywhere in Congress: They’re big, they’re complicated and they tick off each party’s base. At the moment, the Senate GOP is making a clear recommendation to its House counterparts, who are quite in tune with that base: If we get a deal, take the win.

“We’ve got a giant problem with thousands of people coming every day. So we’ve got to work to find solutions. I wouldn’t shut the door.” said Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.).

Ursula Perano contributed to this report.

The Senate tabled a resolution from Bernie Sanders that would have required the State Department to report on whether Israel has violated human rights in its ongoing war with Hamas, revealing the ongoing division between various blocs of the Democratic Party.

The vote to table the resolution, called under the Foreign Assistance Act and requiring a simple majority for passage, passed 72-11. Democrats sided with the chamber’s Republicans in defeating the resolution amid a conflict that’s killed more than 23,000 people in Gaza, by recent estimates.

“If you believe that the [bombing] campaign has been indiscriminate, as I do, then we have a responsibility to ask this question,” Sanders (I-Vt.) said on the floor last week. “If you believe Israel has done nothing wrong, then this information should support that belief.”

Only after that report landed — or if the State Department failed to meet the 30-day deadline to deliver it — would the U.S. be able to freeze or alter aid to Israel.

The vote on the privileged resolution occurred as the Washington area deals with winter weather that prevented many lawmakers from returning to the Hill. Sanders himself was delayed in returning Tuesday afternoon.

Sanders said the provision of the law has never been invoked since its adoption in 1976.

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell slammed the resolution as an attempt at “tying the hands of a close ally locked in a necessary battle against savage terrorists” and a gift to “left-wing, anti-Israel activists” in remarks on the Senate floor.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a GOP foreign policy hawk, slammed the resolution as an effort that would “empower the terrorist” and “maybe the most tone deaf thing in the history of the Senate.”

“To the left, what are you thinking?” he asked on the floor. “A ceasefire with Hamas only allows Hamas to regroup.”

But the defeat of the resolution wasn’t due to Republicans alone. In a statement, Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) said that while he is “deeply concerned” about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and how Israel is conducting its campaign, he would not support the Sanders effort.

“I will continue raising these issues directly with Israeli officials and the Biden administration,” Coons said in a statement. “I do not, however, believe that risking the suspension of all U.S. assistance or publicly rebuking Israel in a way that could embolden its enemies will address these concerns, nor will it improve the humanitarian situation.”

WASHINGTON — Federal prosecutors urged a judge on Tuesday to reject Hunter Biden’s efforts to dismiss the gun charges against him, revealing that investigators last year found cocaine residue on the pouch the president’s son used to hold his gun.

In pressing for the case against President Joe Biden’s son to proceed, prosecutors said “the strength of the evidence against him is overwhelming” and pushed back against Hunter Biden’s claims that he is being singled out for political purposes.

In addition to “incriminating statements” Hunter Biden made about his drug use in his 2021 memoir, investigators found a white powdery substance on the brown leather pouch he used to store the gun after pulling it from the state police vault last year, prosecutors wrote. An FBI chemist determined it was cocaine, they said.

“To be clear, investigators literally found drugs on the pouch where the defendant had kept his gun,” prosecutors said.

Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty to charges accusing him of lying about his drug use in October 2018 on a form to buy a gun that he kept for about 11 days. He has acknowledged struggling with an addiction to crack cocaine during that period in 2018, but his lawyers have said he didn’t break the law. Hunter Biden has since said that he’s stopped using drugs and has worked to turn his life around.

His attorneys didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment on the prosecutors’ filing Tuesday.

These criminal proceedings could have been avoided with a plea deal last year, but an agreement with federal prosecutors fell apart and now the president’s son is facing the spectacle of a trial this year while his father is campaigning. He was indicted after the plea deal broke down when a judge who was supposed to sign off on the agreement instead raised a series of questions about the deal.

He had initially agreed to plead guilty to misdemeanor tax charges and would have also avoided prosecution on the gun charges had he stayed out of trouble for two years. It was the culmination of a years-long investigation by federal prosecutors into the business dealings of the president’s son.

His lawyers have urged the judge to dismiss the gun case, alleging he was “selectively charged” for improper political purposes. They have argued that special counsel David Weiss — who also serves as U.S. attorney for Delaware and was originally appointed by former President Donald Trump — “buckled under political pressure” to bring more severe charges amid criticism of the deal from Trump and other Republicans.

Prosecutors, however, said there is no evidence “to support his allegation that the Executive Branch, led by his father, President Biden, and its Justice Department, led by the Attorney General appointed by his father, authorized prosecution by the U.S. Attorney and Special Counsel of their choosing for an ‘improper political purpose.’”

“The charges in this case are not trumped up or because of former President Trump — they are instead a result of the defendant’s own choices and were brought in spite of, not because of, any outside noise made by politicians,” prosecutors wrote.

Hunter Biden’s criminal proceedings are also happening in parallel to so far unsuccessful efforts by congressional Republicans to link his business dealings to his father. Republicans are pursuing an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, claiming he was engaged in an influence-peddling scheme with his son. But House Republicans on Tuesday halted plans to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for defying a congressional subpoena in their ongoing investigation, citing negotiations with his attorneys that could end the standoff.

No evidence has emerged so far to prove that the president, in his current or previous office, abused his role or accepted bribes, though questions have arisen about the ethics surrounding the Biden family’s international business dealings.

The Senate overcame its first procedural hurdle Tuesday night to ward off a partial shutdown on Saturday, advancing another two-tiered stopgap spending bill that would kick government funding deadlines into March.

In a 68-13 vote, the upper chamber advanced the measure, which would fund parts of the government through March 1 and March 8. With federal cash expiring in a matter of days for the departments of Agriculture, Transportation, Veterans Affairs, Energy and more, much will hinge on whether the Senate can come to an agreement to quickly pass the stopgap, which requires consent from all 100 senators.

Any one senator could hold things up and cause a delay, risking a brief weekend shutdown.

“Time is of the essence,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on the floor before the vote Tuesday afternoon. “If both sides continue to work in good faith, I’m hopeful that we can wrap up work on the CR no later than Thursday. The key to finishing our work this week will be bipartisan cooperation in both chambers.”

Key context: The short-term patch, known as a continuing resolution or CR, was unveiled Sunday and would extend government funding to two different dates, similar to the current stopgap. Funding for military construction, Veterans’ Affairs, the USDA, FDA, Department of Transportation, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Energy and other programs would expire on March 1.

Funding for the remaining spending bills — including Financial Services, Legislative Branch, Commerce-Justice-Science, Homeland Security, Defense, Interior-Environment, State-Foreign Operations and Labor-HHS-Education — would expire on March 8.

Top appropriators simply need more time to work on the bills after Speaker Mike Johnson and Schumer struck a long-delayed deal on a government funding framework earlier this month.

What’s next: Johnson, facing heat from his right flank for cutting a deal with Democrats, will almost certainly need substantial help from across the aisle to pass the measure in the House.

The lower chamber is expected to take up the measure as soon as it passes the Senate. Johnson will likely need to bring it up under suspension, which means the bill would require a two-thirds vote threshold to send the stopgap to President Joe Biden’s desk.

President Joe Biden has invited congressional leaders to the White House for a meeting Wednesday to discuss ongoing negotiations over a national security spending bill to aid Ukraine and other priorities, according to three people familiar with the request.

Senate negotiators have spent months discussing a potential bipartisan agreement to add new border and immigration policy restrictions to Biden’s supplemental request for $100 billion for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and border security. Those negotiations have yet to produce a deal.

Among those expected to attend are Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker Mike Johnson and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries.

Key committee leaders, including those heading the Appropriations committees, are also expected to attend, according to two people.

Punchbowl News was first to report the invitation.

Nicholas Wu, Caitlin Emma and Eugene Daniels contributed to this report.

Ohio Senate hopeful Bernie Moreno has garnered another endorsement — this time from a member of Senate GOP leadership.

Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), the third-highest ranking Senate Republican, backed Moreno on Tuesday and praised him as a candidate that will “help make America stronger and safer.” He plans to campaign with Moreno in Ohio before the primary.

This is Moreno’s third significant endorsement in recent weeks. Former President Donald Trump backed the former car dealer in December. Then the influential Club for Growth threw its support behind him in January.

Moreno is locked in a contentious three-way battle with Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose and state Sen. Matt Dolan. The winner of the March 19 primary will take on Sen. Sherrod Brown, one of the chamber’s most endangered Democratic incumbents.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee is remaining neutral in the primary. Chair Steve Daines (R-Mont.) has said he believes any of the three candidates could prevail against Brown.

The endorsement could also prove useful to Barrasso, who is seen as a potential successor to Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. He endorsed Trump last week — something McConnell has pointedly refused to do — and he has also backed Kari Lake in Arizona. His early support of the president and leading GOP candidates could position Barrasso well for coming leadership battles.

Barrasso is also close with Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), who has long championed Moreno. Barrasso met Moreno in person in mid-October and has kept in touch with him since then.

“Bernie Moreno is built for Ohio,” Barrasso said in a statement shared first with POLITICO. “His story is Ohio’s story. Hard work, grit, and drive to build a family and a successful small business.”