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With both chambers back in session, congressional leaders set to take on spending, border

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On the first day of 2024 with both chambers in session, leaders will convene meetings where they’ll hear feedback from rank-and-file members about ongoing talks to fund the government and change border policy.

Government funding: The House is back in Washington for the first time in nearly a month Tuesday night. Expect Speaker Mike Johnson to get an earful from conservatives frustrated with the $1.7 trillion funding accord he struck with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer over the weekend. “I think there’s going to be some real conversation this week about what we need to do going forward,” said Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) on CNN Monday night, adding trying to oust the speaker is “not the road I prefer.”

Border security: Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford, the lead Republican negotiator on border security, indicated Monday evening a deal was unlikely this week as thorny details continue to bedevil talks. Look for Democrats to get the latest from Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) at their weekly conference lunch on Tuesday, while Republicans have called their own meeting on the negotiations on Wednesday.

One more thing: Congressional leaders have largely avoided comment on the hospitalization of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin — and lack of notification for days to the White House, press and lawmakers. We’d expect both Schumer and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to get a question about Austin at their weekly press conferences.