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Johnson plans Trump call to walk through funding framework details

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Speaker Mike Johnson said Wednesday he’ll call former President Donald Trump to walk him through the details of a government funding framework announced over the weekend.

“I’m planning to give him a call today to talk him through the details of it,” Johnson told Hugh Hewitt on his radio show. “We are pedal to the metal trying to get those bills produced to get them on the floor to vote. And I’m very optimistic that we can get this done.”

Johnson said of Trump: “I’ll give him a read in on this.”

Speaking about Trump’s candidacy for the presidency in 2024, Johnson said, “I believe he will be the nominee, and I’m convinced he’s going to win the White House again. And that’ll be a great day for America.”

The speaker also expressed cautious optimism about Senate negotiations over border security policy, which have gone on for weeks without yet yielding a deal.

“We have yet to see the text of it,” he said. “And I’ll just say I’m cautiously optimistic, Hugh. We’ll have to see what develops.”

Johnson said he’d “communicated it directly” that the House could not support a border security deal that didn’t include funding for a border wall.