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Senate border negotiators prepare for possible weekend talks in hopes of finding deal

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Sen. Chris Murphy is expecting a new border security offer from Republicans on Thursday and further talks, possibly through the weekend, if his GOP counterparts move on their position.

“I’m willing to talk about it if it’s something that can get Democratic votes,” Murphy (D-Conn.) told reporters. “Right now, there’s no question you need a huge number of Democratic votes, especially in the House, to pass the kind of package that Senate Republicans are envisioning.”

The comments come after a failed Senate vote on Wednesday to advance a supplemental package that would contain aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, as well as Republican insisted-upon border policy changes.

“Sometimes there are moments when this place can’t fail. This feels like one of those moments,” Murphy said. “The fate of the world — the fate of Ukraine and Israel — hangs in the balance.”

That comes as Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), the leading GOP negotiator, indicated he would continue “swapping paper” on border security offers and said he’d keep fighting for a deal.

“We have to be able to get stuff done,” he told reporters. “We’re doing Israel security, Ukraine security and what’s happening overseas. Those are serious issues.”

The Oklahoma Republican said he’s still awaiting a hard deadline for delivering the new funds from the White House, but will be “working through the weekend on this” in hopes of reaching an agreement on a package.

He also suggested it’s still possible to finish a bill before the end of the month, which would require canceling some of a recess expected to start at the end of next week.